New Life Church was established in 1957 as a church plant of First Baptist Church of Baton Rouge. Located in the Laurel Lea area of town, the original name of the church was Laurel Lea Baptist Church.
One of the strengths of the New Life Family is that we insist upon maintaining a strong biblical worldview. Our aim is to be biblical, not denominational. Our understanding of scripture is under-girded by Jesus' favorite subject, the kingdom of God.
The last sermon that Jesus preached can be summarized, "Repent, the kingdom of God is at hand!" Kingdom can be defined as the dynamic rule and reign of God on earth. When we say, "Jesus is Lord," we are speaking of the kingdom. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and displace the kingdom of darkness with the kingdom of light. Whenever a demon was expelled or the sick healed, Jesus would proclaim, "The kingdom has come."
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray he said, "Pray like this, 'Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven...' When we think of heaven we think of a future realm, the kingdom of God as a future reality of reward and restoration and comfort in the presence of God eternally. Jesus instructed us to pray for the future reality of heaven to break into the present realm, into the "present evil age."
Through the words and works of Jesus he demonstrated that heaven-future had invaded earth-present in the person of Jesus. The kingdom had come with forgiveness, deliverance, healing, fullness of the Spirit, love, joy, and power. His commission to his followers was to continue the work he had started and spread the Gospel of the Kingdom around the world.
Obviously the kingdom has not come to this present age in its fullness yet. Evil continues to be part of the world we live in. We continue to suffer and bad things happen to good and bad people alike, so we pray for heaven to touch us. We yearn for the presence of the future in our lives and in the world around us. We press forward as we are being transformed into the image of Christ day by day until that time when we see him face to face, the culmination of the kingdom come in our lives and on the earth.